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Facebook Pet Society - Practice Coins Cheat (練習賽洗錢) Flash 9 & 10


Firstly , Go to Pet Society

Requirement (Tools Download) :
  • Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Flash Player 9 & 10
  • Brain !!
Steps :
  1. Go to Pet Society by clicking above links
  2. Then , Go to Stadium then choose practice;
  3. Click on the tick
  4. Then click on “Add coins” it will take you to the bank;
  5. Go to your home
  6. Open Cheat Engine 5.6 and choose FireFox as process
  7. Make sure you do this setting/tick this following (Hex. 8 bytes , also scan read only memory) 
  8. Scan address "5D8B000000002843" for Flash 10 "5D8B000006C1840F" for Flash 9   
  9. One address  should returned 
  10. Right click the address and click "Disassemble memory region"
  11. Right click the selected/highlighted code choose "Go to address"
  12. Copy the address in code generator below for flash 9 & for flash 10 Click here
  13. Now , New Scan address  "000003E800002710" for Flash 9 & 10
  14. You will get more than one address.
  15. Choose the 1st one and  click "Disassemble memory region"
  16. Right click the selected/highlighted code choose "Go to address"
  17. Copy the address in code generator below for flash 9 & for flash 10 Click here.
  18. On Generator below , click "Generate"
  19. You will notice that generated code has 2 parts
  20. Copy the 1st part.
  21. Back to Cheat Engine 5.6 Go to "Tools" and select "Auto Assemble" (ctrl+a)
  22. Paste the 1st part and  click "Execute"
  23. Now , go back to Cheat Engine main menu ( interface )
  24. You will say there is "Frozen" , "Description" below there
  25. Copy the 2nd part of the generated code
  26. Paste it @ bottom area .
  27. Now , go to Stadium and choose "Practise"
  28. Remember to tick the options you want to activate!
Recommended options:
  • Stage speed = 3000
  • Speed of pets = 3000
  • Without slow motion = 0
  • Length of track = 500
Firefox 3.6
Flash Player 10
Cheat Engine 5.6
Patiniox 代碼產生器.Patiniox 代碼產生器 (勿用 Firefox 開啟),請用 IE 或 Chrome

1. 進入遊戲,先到「Stadium」→「Practice」直到出現「Ready」(不要按)
2. 再點上方「Add Coin」→「回家」
3. Cheat Engine v5.5 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
4. Cheat Engine v5.5 設定勾選(Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
5. 複製位址 "5D8B000000002843" for Flash 10 & "5D8B000006C1840F" for Flash 9   
6. 搜到位址後,用滑鼠移到該位址再用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
7. 在第一欄滑鼠右鍵選「Go to address」複製位址,貼上「Patiniox 代碼產生器」.第一欄
*(勿用 Firefox 開啟代碼產生器),請用 IE 或 Chrome
8. 複製位址 "000003E800002710" for Flash 9 & 10
9. 搜到位址後,用滑鼠移到該位址再用滑鼠右鍵選「Disassemble this memory region」
10. 在第一欄滑鼠右鍵選「Go to address」複製位址,貼上「Patiniox 代碼產生器」.第二欄
*(勿用 Firefox 開啟代碼產生器),請用 IE 或 Chrome
11. 按「Enviar」會出現另外兩個按鈕
12. 點按第一個按鈕,回到第 10 步驟中的「Memory Viewer」在上方菜單點「Tools」→「Auto Assemble」
13. 滑鼠右鍵「貼上」,回到「Patiniox 代碼產生器」點按第二個按鈕
14. 在 Cheat Engine 下方位址滑鼠右鍵「貼上」並點按更改如下:

Velocidad del estadio = 3000
Velocidad del los pets = 3000
Sin cámara lenta = 0
Largo de la pista = 500
15. 之後回到遊戲,到「Stadium」→「Practice」開始,完成!


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