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Facebook Restaurant City - Award Coins (獎盃洗錢)


Credits: fREE2SW4U, AnEjd
Tools (download tools in the Tools section):

  • 2 facebook accounts [Let's name it account A & account B]
  • mouse recorder in case you get bored of clicking
  1. Log into Restaurant City in account A
  2. Check your awards list and try to spend 1800 coins. You must not have the 'Spending Spree' trophy
  3. At 1800 coins spent, save the game and enter Restaurant City again.
  4. Now purchase a 200+ coin item. A popup will award you with the 'Spending Spree' trophy
  5. Click Share > Publish
  6. Immediately refresh the game. Your award list should still be1800 coins spent
  7. Repeat Step 4 to Step 6 until satisfied. 
  8. Now log into account B
  9. You should see a lot of "Charitable Chum" award celebration news. Click on all those 'Claim your 500 coins' and enjoy your new coins.

    Note: You can share other awards other than Spending Spree. Just save the game BEFORE getting the trophy. Then go get the trophy and publish and refresh immediately. If your account have more than 2 million coins, try to reach 1.9 million in spending. Thensave the game. Now spend 100k to get the 2million 'Big Spender' award. And basically repeat. Your second account will be able to get '5000' coins each time !!! 

1. 要兩個帳號要相識
2. 帳號 A(正身)
3. 帳號 B(分身)至少要有 $7500 及 Charitable Chum(送禮獎盃)少於49次
4. 或 帳號 B(分身)有20萬 ←絕對建議
如帳號 B 沒有 20 萬,可先洗出 20 萬給帳號 B(請好好運用大腦!)

方法:以 Charitable Chum(送禮獎盃)為範例
1. 帳號 B(假設已達49次)送禮到帳號 A 就會出現 Charitable Chum(送禮獎盃)
2. 按「Share」發佈!之後不要記錄,重入遊戲
3. 你會發現「Charitable Chum(送禮獎盃)」仍然是49次!
4. 再送禮到帳號 A 又會出現多一次「送禮獎盃」
5. 按「Share」發佈!之後不要記錄,重入遊戲!
6. 一直重複!建議配合滑鼠記錄程式
7. 再用正身,分別點 帳號 B 發佈出來的「Claim your 500 Coins」
9. 完成!要洗請快!時間不等人!

註1:如帳號 B 有20萬,買物品達到「Big Spender」條件再發佈,帳號 A 領取時就每次 $5000 !
註3:不要以為可以用 Charles 自動洗!你的金錢可能會一直減下去,但之後會回覆正常:)


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