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Facebook Pet Society - Increase Fishing Speed 瞬間釣魚術


Tools : (Download)
FireFox , Chrome
Flashplayer 10
Cheat Engine 5.X

  1. Cheat Engine select HEX/8 bytes/ASROM
  2. Scan  "758B00000022820F"
  3. Right click on the first result.
  4. Select "Disassemble this memory region"
  5. Right click on the first line and select  "Replace with  code that does nothing"
  6. Now you can fish instantly  

  1. Cheat Engine 使用 HEX/8 bytes/ASROM
  2. 搜尋 "758B00000022820F"
  3. 會搜尋到兩個位址.於第一個位址按滑鼠右鍵.
  4. 選擇 "Disassemble this memory region"
  5. 在於第一行選擇 "Replace with code that does nothing"
  6. 之後魚一上鉤就直接釣上.不用在那邊拖拖拉拉了.


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