Tools : (Download)
FireFox , Chrome, IE
Flashplayer 9 & 10
Cheat Engine 5.X
1. Goto Pet Society.
2. Scan 8B403C8945E88B45e885c0 with (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM).
3. Right click on the result and select "Disassemble this memory region"
4. Right click on the first line and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
5. Now you can start visit your friend to see the out come.
FireFox , Chrome, IE
Flashplayer 9 & 10
Cheat Engine 5.X
1. Goto Pet Society.
2. Scan 8B403C8945E88B45e885c0 with (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM).
3. Right click on the result and select "Disassemble this memory region"
4. Right click on the first line and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
5. Now you can start visit your friend to see the out come.
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